IREKS Light Rye Bread Mix
Mixing time: 2 + 6 minutes
Dough temperature: 26° C – 27° C
Bulk fermentation time: 20 minutes
Scaling weight: as desired
Intermediate proof: none
Processing: as desired
Final proof: 50 minutes
Baking temperature: 230° C, giving steam
Baking time: approx. 40 minutes (depending on size)
After the bulk fermentation time, scale the dough and mould as desired. For the round, rustic loaves, allow to prove with the seam downwards on setters. After ¾ final proof, turn the dough pieces and bake, giving steam. For long-shaped bread, allow to prove with the seam downwards on setters. After the final proof, cut the dough pieces 2 – 4 times and bake, giving steam.