SuperDough produces the ultimate enriched fermented products. This enrichment is not only dependent on vegetable oil and sugar but, unusually for this type of product, egg yolk as well. The SuperDough is perfect for traditional enriched ferments such as London, Bath, Chelsea and Belgian Buns and also for seasonal lines – Stollen, Easter and Mince meat strudels.
Mixing Time:
Conventional Mixer - 15-20 minutes on middle speed or until fully developed.
Spiral Mixer - 3 minutes on slow speed and 8-10 minutes on fast speed or until fully developed.
Dough Temperature: 26-28ºC (79-82ºF).
Divide and rest for a further 10 minutes before processing.
Prover Conditions: 40ºC (104ºF) 85% R.H.
Proof Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes.
Oven Conditions: 200C (400ºF)
Baking Time: Approximately 10-40 minutes depending on articles being made.
Dough will appear soft initially but will firm up sufficiently once full development has been given.
To prevent drying out of the crumb in fruited doughs, use fruit that has been soaked for 10 minutes in warm water and then thoroughly drained through a sieve. Mix fruit into dough briefly at the end of the mixing, rest for ten minutes then process as desired.
For laminated dough to produce American Danish pastries, best results will be obtained if the dough is retarded for a minimum of 1 hour prior to final processing and make up.
Divide the dough into manageable chunks and rest for 10-15 minutes before layering with 200g of Danish Pastry Margarine to every 1kg of dough.
Give the dough at least 2 x half turns without resting in between and place, covered, in a retarder for at least 2 hours.
Give the dough a final half turn, then sheet out dough to desired thickness for processing as desired.